7 Kasım 2013 Perşembe

ARGAN OIL BEST Shampoo EVER for Healthy Soft Smooth Shiny Hair ARGANLIFE...


3 Mayıs 2013 Cuma

Treatments against hair loss

The last 2 years we have witnessed a revolution in the treatment of hair loss, in women and in men. The discovery of " ARGANRain " www.arganrain.net a product capable of stopping hair loss and in some cases, to obtain a slight regrowth has some answers to this problem.

Argan Oil

Other significant researches have found out recent years that " argan oil " has a strong effect to prevent hair loss. However, studies show that argan oil promotes the growth of existing hair. We found, in various websites, priced at $ 15 -100 for a bottle.
I would suggest again the " arganrain " argan oil products since it is certified and pure



For men, hair loss in women (alopecia) is often seen as a disaster, psychological trauma almost intolerable. Day after day, the pillow, brush, and bath drain fill with hair. What causes this phenomenon? Are there any solutions?

Predictable, hair loss

For some women, hair loss is predictable. Indeed, this phenomenon (androgenetic alopecia) is also hereditary. It begins in the twenties in 3% of them. Between the ages of 40 to 49 years, nearly one in five women (17%) is facing hair loss called hereditary, and a woman in four amongst 60 - mid 60s' years of age will suffer from the hair loss.
The causes of hair loss

The causes of hair loss in women are numerous. The hormonal disorders are among the most common. They are often associated with the various stages of the life of a woman (pregnancy and childbirth, pre-menopause and menopause), endocrine disorders or taking drugs. General anesthesia, surgical shock, hemorrhage, high fever and prolonged or significant psycho shock may also be responsible for hair loss.

When the body packs

When hair loss becomes important, especially unexplained, it is best to consult a dermatologist who will take stock of the various potential causes. Is it a disorder of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism)? Is that your pituitary is idling or, conversely, races and now produces too much prolactin: the hormone that triggers and maintains lactation?

Male hormones

At certain times, the ovaries and adrenal glands of women produce male hormones in larger quantities. This production is accelerated during menopause or childbirth. This results in a depletion of the scalp and, by extension, hair loss.


Hair loss in women can also be connected to a hypersensitivity "hair bulb" to androgens (hyperandrogenism), even if they are not produced in excessive amounts.

And stress

It also happens that the stress, frequent or occasional causes hair loss. When we are stressed, the body produces various hormones: adrenaline, cortisol and adrenal androgens. This leads to higher production of hair loss. In fact, every kind of stress causes contraction of blood vessels to the hair root, which contributes to the refinement of the hair and ... to his downfall.

Prevent hair loss

It is possible to prevent, at least in part, the hair loss. Experts recommend not to take too hot showers. Others argue that the frequent use of gels and straightening, even electric dryers, promotes hair loss in women.

Along with many large or small health problems, a healthier lifestyle slow hair loss. A more balanced diet, reducing stressors, 8-9 hours of sleep promote a healthier scalp.
ARGANRain Anti Hair Loss Shampoo

27 Nisan 2013 Cumartesi


All people lose hair on a daily basis, unfortunatley many people will go through rapid hair loss without new hair coming in to replace it which results in thinning hair which possibly leads to some degree of baldness. Hereditary plays a major role in the severity of hair loss but improper care of your hair along with an unhealthy lifestyle may cause early hair loss.
Hair Loss Prevention
Getting proper nutrition is essentia
l for healthy hair.

 Water, protien, biotin (part of the vitamin B complex), vitamins A, B6, B12, C, copper, iron, omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, calcium, folic acid, and magnesium all play a part in maintaining a healthy scalp, skin, and hair.

Using your fingertips to massage your scalp will increase circulation in your scalp which is important for hair growth.

Gentle combing or brushing of your hair will help break up hardened oils that clog your pores. It is recommended that you comb or brush 100-200 strokes in the morning and at night.

Avoid excessive wind, sun, and heat (such as from hair dryers, hot showers, and curling irons) on your hair.

Tight fitting caps and hats will cause poor circulation in your scalp and will also cause build-up of sweat and grime.

If you have live a high stressed life try reducing stress by taking some time out daily just to relax, excessive stress is believed to induce hair loss.

If you color your hair, limit coloring it to once every 2 months. Hair coloring damages your hair and the less frequently you color it the better.

Avoid putting too much physical stress on your hair; brush/comb your hair gently, don't pull your hair when you brush and avoid braids and ponytails if possible, they place constant stress on your hair.

Get enough sleep.

Use a conditioner and trim any split ends.

See your doctor or a dermatologist for advice if you have concerns about hair loss and want to seek treatment.
